Wednesday, February 27, 2013

7 things which help me to loss 40 pounds in 6 months!

After 45th day of having my third baby my weight was 79 kg (174 pounds), my BMI (Body Mass Index) was 30.5. You can imagine how I look.  I saw myself in front of the mirror and then I saw my sweat baby, I said to myself this baby is only a reason to be happy and pretty.  I decided to be fit and prepared my ‘to do list’ as below:

  1. I gave up sugar at all.
  2. Drinking 6 liters of water per day and no other drinks at all.
  3. Eating 3 balanced meals a day, for snack I use fruits except banana & avocado.
  4. Limited or no fat consumption: I was cooking my foods with small oil. No cheese, butter, nor mionize… Drinking a glass of milk only three days per week.
  5. Small amount of carbohydrate consumption (Enjera, Bread, rice…)
  6. Checking my weight weekly and evaluating my week by the result.  Accordingly I will adjust my plan for next week.
  7. Keep it simple and make it happen.

Well done.  Now, my baby is 7 months and I am 61 kg (134 pounds) my BMI is 23.  I am very proud to make it happen.